You can find on this page the Sydney transport map to print and to download in PDF. The Sydney transportation map presents the transports network and transport zones of the transit of Sydney in Australia.

Sydney transports map

Map of Sydney public transports

The Sydney transport map shows all means of transportation in Sydney. This transports map of Sydney will allow you to move easily with public transport of Sydney in Australia. The Sydney transportation map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Most citywide government activities are controlled by the state government. These include public transport, main roads, traffic control, policing, education above preschool level, and planning of major infrastructure projects as its mentioned in Sydney transports map. Sydney notably low population density can be traced in part to its public transport network. The city, founded in 1788 acquired its public transport system relatively early on in its life – rail services began in 1855.

The Opal card is an easy, convenient way of paying for your travel on public transport in Sydney. It can be used on all public transport, including trains, ferries, buses and light rail as you can see in Sydney transports map. There are daily and weekly caps on the Opal network, meaning you can travel as much as you like within the Opal network and you never pay more than the capped fare.

Even with its diverse suburbs and attractions, Sydney is an easy city to get around. The metropolitan area offers a great network of public transport, roadways and walking paths. Just hop on a bus, train or ferry and start exploring. Public transport is used across Australia by locals, commuters and visitors alike, and Sydney is no exception. To use public transport including buses, trains, ferries and light rail in Sydney, you need to purchase an Opal card as its shown in Sydney transports map.

Sydney zone map

The Sydney zone map shows all transport zones in Sydney. This zone map of Sydney will allow you to know the prices of public transport of Sydney in Australia. The Sydney zones of transports map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The Metro Light Rail uses its own ticketing system based on zones as its mentioned in Sydney zone map. Day and weekly tickets which also allow travel on the Metro Monorail are available. A "TramLink" ticket which allows travel on CityRail and the light rail is available from CityRail stations but is not sold on trams. The integration led to a 30 to 40 percent increase in patronage on the line in the first months after introduction.

The Metro Light Rail initially used its own ticketing system based on zones. Zone 1 was Central ↔ Convention and Zone 2 was Pyrmont Bay ↔ Dulwich Hill as you can see in Sydney zone map. Day and weekly tickets which also allow travel on the Metro Monorail were available. On 1 August 2016, MyZone and light rail only tickets were phased out, making Opal the only payment method accepted and conductors redundant. Over time, Opal top-up (Phase 2) machines have been installed at some stations.

The reader should distinguish where necessary between tickets and fares as you can see in Sydney zone map. Tickets can be single or multiple trips (fixed number or unlimited), single route or zone coverage, limited time or no expiry, on paper, magnetic stripe or smartcard, or using other new electronic wizardry, tokens, or no ticket at all. Fares can be distance based, zone based or flat, premium, full fare, discount, concession or free. The failed Tcard would have provided integrated tickets, but not integrated fares.